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kiddOTherapy occupational therapists collaborate with parents and caregivers to provide tools to improve their child's  participation with daily life activities. 

What is occupational therapy? 

When people ask me what OT is and what we do, I tell them this:

"Picture a wall in front of you, as far to the left, as far to the right, and as far high as you can see. In that wall, there is a door and that door is locked. On the other side of that door is what makes your heart happy - playing with your kids, sewing, taking your dog for a walk, taking care of yourself without any help..It could be anything that makes a bad day not so bad anymore. That's your occupation. 

Some people are born lucky and have their key and can walk through the door their whole life without a problem. Other people aren't as fortunate. They've either lost their key or never had it to begin with, and it's my job to get them through that door. 

If I can't, we bust a hole and make a new one." ~Katie Mary

kiddOTherapy occupational therapists assess valuable occupations for the child, and then outline the challenging areas present that make engaging in age appropriate activities difficult. We work with the family and caregivers to outline specific treatment goals in order to address specific deficits to make improvements for that child's participation during daily life activities at home, school, and in the community. 

Who can benefit from occupational therapy? 

    • Occupational therapy can benefit children of all ages with a variety of diagnoses:

      • Sensory Processing Disorder
      • Developmental Delay
      • Autism Spectrum Disorder 
      • ADD/ADHD
      • Cerebral Palsy 
      • Neuromuscular Conditions
      • Fine Motor Delay 
      • Gross Motor Delay 
      • Visual Motor Integration Delay 
      • Social-Emotional Development 
      • Neurodevelopmental Disorders 
      • Families and caregivers of the child are actively involved in therapy sessions to learn strategies to assist with improving participation during daily life activities

    What benefits can I expect from occupational therapy? 

    Improved fine, gross, and visual motor integration skills:

    • Climbing 
    • Handwriting
    • Cutting with Scissors 
    • Manipulating small objects 
    • Catching, Throwing, and Kicking a ball
    • Oral motor skills for chewing and eating 
    • Reading 
    • Hand-eye coordination tasks 

    Increased independence with activities of daily living: 

    • Shoe tying 
    • Managing fasteners
    • Dressing skills
    • Potty training 
    • Utensil use 
    • Play 
    • Social interactions 
    • Eating and feeding 

    Improved sensory processing skills: 

    • Increased attention and engagement 
    • Self soothing/coping skills 
    • Tantrums
    • Improved tolerance to sensory stimulation 
    • Parent/caregiver education and understating your child’s neurological system 

    What is Sensory Processing?

    Sensory processing, or integration, is the effective registration and accurate interpretation of sensory input in the environment (including one's own body). Sensory processing includes interpreting input from all senses including our sense of taste, sight, smell, sound, vision, touch and movement. Sensory Processing Disorder is when the brain has difficulty integrating information gathered by the senses. Processing sensory input creates a behavioral output. If your child demonstrates more difficulty with daily activities compared to other children their age, sensory processing may be difficult for your child.

    What types of behaviors raise a “red flag” for difficulties with sensory processing skills? 

    • Picky eating 
    • Teeth brushing discomfort 
    • Difficulty transitioning 
    • Long tantrums 
    • Sensitivity to touch and noise
    • Aversion to “being messy” 
    • Dressing/clothing discomfort [tags, fabrics]
    • Uneasiness with movement [fearful or excessive risk taking]
    • Poor attention 
    • Difficulty in public [meltdowns]
    • Sleep difficulty 
    • Motor skills delay
    • Clumsiness
    • Excessive rough play 
    • Appearing controlling or rigid in play or with others

    Where does kiddOTherapy deliver occupational therapy services?

    kiddOTherapy was founded as a home based occupational therapy practice, with therapy occurring mainly in the child's home. kiddOTherapy can also provide therapy services in preschools, day cares, after school programs and day treatment programs. Due to COVID 19, telehealth was adopted as a safe way to continue delivering occupational therapy services during the critical time of the pandemic. kiddOTherapy has currently started to shift back to in person treatment, however, either option is available and can be discussed during the intake process. 

    Does kiddOTherapy accept insurance?

    kiddOTherapy accepts most private insurance plans and Medicaid. We are able to check insurance benefits to see if therapy will be covered, prior to scheduling an appointment. 

    Copyright © kiddOTherapy. All Right Reserved. 

    P.O. Box 5192 Incline Village, NV 89450 | Phone: (513) 309-3905 | Email: [email protected]